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PWA Tenerife 2011 – Day 2

Philip Köster and Daida Moreno win the Single Elimination at El Cabezo on Tenerife.

2017-01-19T15:27:26+01:00July 15th, 2011|

PWA Lanzarote 2011 – Day 3

Gollito Estredo wins the single elimination at Lanzarote in front of Steven van Broeckhoven. Today is the last day of the event.

2017-01-19T15:28:32+01:00July 3rd, 2011|

PWA Freestyle Bonaire – Day 1

Dieter van der Eyken reports from the first day of competition. Kiri Thode won the Single Elimination in front of Taty Frans.

2017-01-19T15:33:04+01:00June 13th, 2011|

PWA Vietnam 2011 – Day 9

Björn Dunkerbeck and Sarah-Quita Offringa are the winners of the first ever PWA Slalom event in Vietnam.

2017-01-19T15:39:01+01:00March 5th, 2011|

PWA Vietnam 2011 – Day 7

Another lay day at the PWA Grand Slam in Vietnam. Too light wind for any competition.

2017-01-19T15:39:04+01:00March 3rd, 2011|

PWA Vietnam 2011 – Day 5

Alice Arutkin wins the first women´s race. Men winnersfinal still to be sailed.

2017-01-19T15:39:18+01:00March 1st, 2011|
