Marine Hunter spent a great time in Denmark. She joined the wave windsurfing coaching of Graham Ezzy at the beginning of September 2020. The conditions were full on. Graham, who runs excellent online coachings on Facebook during these difficult times as well decided to organize a “real” coaching. French wave windsurfer Marine, who took part in many French events and as well in a few World Cups – she finished 5th in a World Cup event in Morocco 2018 – picked up a lot of new knowledge about wave windsurfing. The wind & waves were good – with port tack and starboard tack conditions – what allowed her new styles in riding. Well done Marine!
Marine: About ten days in Denmark for Graham Ezzy’s clinic 🙂 non stop conditions, a crazy group, an excellent coach and quite a lot of relaxing!!
Marine Hunter rides waves in Denmark during a coaching week with Hawaiian wave windsurfer Graham Ezzy
Filmed by Graham Ezzy & Thomas Seguin