Finest wave action from Cabo Verdo on windsurfing and surfing boards: Thomas Traversa, Ross Williams, Kevin Pritchard, Jamie Hancock, Dario Ojeda, Boujmaa Guilloul, Fettah Almara, Alex Mussolini are sailing the tricky point break of Curral Joul, Sal, CaboVerde while and after the PWA event 2010.
It´s an exposed right hander with an extremely difficult entry, a lot of sharp rocks and big ugly sea urchins. The conditions while the event were not so good, but some of the top guys, especially Thomas Traversa (F-3), Boujmaa Guilloul and Dario Ojeda could score big in the days after the event, when a nice swell arrived some days after the event. The wind was still light. And some of the rides are in extremely glassy conditions, with so much style, that we would bet you are going to watch the clip again and again. Merci Thomas and all the other guys!!
PWA wave final 2010 – Cabo Verde
I would love to go surfing at nice beaches wherever i go. ^
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beautiful! pictures, sound, easy cut. just beautiful
omg booujmaa wtf!! he’s the best
Beautiful video!
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