Feels like January is a video about Jurgis Vitols and Krisjanis Tutans, who windsurfed in stormy conditions at Pavilosta on the Baltic sea during January 2015. Marija R., the girlfriend of Jurgis, filmed the clip. Jurgis and Krisjanis are on a good way. Jurgis goes for big Backloops and Forwards and Krisjanis works hard on his Takas and Backside Aerials. The conditions look quite nice in Latvia and the temperatures were quite similar with autumn air conditions.
“I would like to share an edit from Latvia, Pavilosta, the Baltic sea. 2015 started great with two windy days on the 2nd and 3rd of January. Here’s an edit from the second day, which felt like late autumn or even better. The sun was shining and the weather was sweet with +7 degrees outside, the water a little less and wind more than 20m/s, so we were well powered on our 3.7m2 sails. Thanks to my babe for filming!” Jurgis Vitols
[…] Video ar? veiksm?gi ir nopublic?ts liel?kaj? w/s interneta m?dij? Continentseven.com: https://www.continentseven.com/2015/02/14/wave-action-from-latvia/ […]