Adam Sims was in Tarifa for one month and released a pretty nice clip from this trip. Adam Sims: “The trip was a success in that sense but the final days were hard with two visits to hospital, one of which resulted in me being taken from Tarifa hospital by Ambulance to the larger hospital in Algeciras, this was so that I could have emergency head scans after crashing a double forward attempt. I hugely appreciate the support from my friends, Max Brinnich and Chris from, who were on the scene at the time and also from Hanna, my girlfriend, she has been there for me a lot since the accident and helped me back to almost 100% myself again. Having had a very successful year on the European Freestyle Pro Tour in 2012 I am now looking forwards to my first full year on the PWA tour and once again on the EFPT.”
Adam Sims in Tarifa
This homie is gangster!!
yeah Adam great clip !!
Nice Vid!
been there for a few times but didn’t see these spots. where are they?
love the editing too 10/10 . and action too!
I Simply love this edit ! Name of the song ??