Lennart Neubauer in Bonaire

2019-05-21T00:55:52+02:00April 23rd, 2019|

Young German freestyle talent Lennart Neubauer lands some of the latest moves in Bonaire.

Kono – Lennart Neubauer

2019-03-05T00:32:09+01:00March 4th, 2019|

Check out this perfect Kono by Lennart Neubauer filmed at his home spot in Naxos.

Lennart Neubauer – Summer Splash

2019-01-19T22:46:56+01:00November 15th, 2018|

14 year-old Lennart shreds at his home spot Naxos and his move repertoire grows and grows. Watch a nice video by JF FILMS.

Burner one handed – Lennart Neubauer

2018-05-30T15:58:28+02:00May 30th, 2018|

The 14 year-old Lennart Neubauer is constantly working on his move repertoire. Now he can already stick one handed Burners. Impressive.

Lennart Neubauer with rad freestyle action from Bonaire

2018-04-18T00:49:05+02:00April 18th, 2018|

Lennart Neubauer, the talented grom from Naxos with German sailnumber, is on a new level. He spent a few week son Bonaire and Kuma Movie filmed his latest action: rad Burners, rad Konos,..... Len, you [...]
