Video – Dean’s Blue Hole

2010-09-29T14:05:09+02:00September 29th, 2010|

Very impressive freediving video filmed at the world´s largest sinkhole on the Bahamas.

Tarp Surfing

2010-07-25T10:27:56+02:00July 21st, 2010|

Ever saw tarp surfing? Skateboarders simulating a wave with a tarp.

10 biggest jumps ever

2010-04-26T19:32:13+02:00April 21st, 2010|

8 minutes video with the biggest jumps ever. Is is just amazing and we thought you should see this video.

Movie Night in Munich

2010-04-27T10:53:21+02:00April 16th, 2010|

Tomorrow will be a movie night in Munic, especially for watersport enthusiast. Two movies will be presented. Four Dimensions and the premiere of the North Kiteboarding movie.

SUP Camp in Croatia

2010-12-15T17:22:17+01:00February 8th, 2010|

Peter Bartl, Austrian waterman and Fanatic invite you to the first Stand Up Paddle Camp at the coast of Croatia. More info here.
