In December a big storm hit Ristna – Hiiumaa island (Estonia). According to the locals Ristna is the best wave spot in the Baltic Sea and it truly looks amazing.
“First sight when I came to beach was epic. Some guys like Taavi Tiirik were already in water and it was big. We used sails from 3,2 up to 3,7. Our spot usually has 2 breaks to surf but on this day the waves connected and the waves were peeling in long lines to the shore. Timing and staying in the right place were the key points of the day,” Ain Härmson told us.
Riders: Ain Härmson, Martin Lääts, Jaan Raivet, Taavi Tiirik, Toomas Pertel, Vesa Pouitiainen
The Ristna – Big Day (9.12.2017)
First day – Warm up in Ristna
Filming: Miia Maarja Kuslap
Editing: Penny