The original plan was to travel to Dahkla in the Western Sahara but Baptiste Mure, Roselyne Thiemmara, Bastien Rama & Pierre Garambois had to cancel the trip due to political issues. Where to travel instead in October? They decided to drive to Leucate and Gruissan. The forecast looked promising and the trip paid off.

Check out  their clip.

“We are in love with Leucate and its surroundings. Environment is resting, the landscapes of vines and low walls of stones are familiar for us as we go there every 6 months; it is as our home. And again we returned with images of a nice journey and with wind!” Baptiste Mure about their trip to Leucate and Gruissan

Baptiste Mure with freestyle windsurfing action from Gruissan and Leucate, South of France

Filmed by: Roselyne Thiemmara & Pierre Garambois
