Adele Frola & Andrea Franchini, the Italian windsurfing couple, spent a great time in Jericoacoara & Praia do Maceio in Brazil last autumn. They returned with good action, improved skills and happy feelings. Andrea now rides full on Simmer sails & boards. He was on I-99 & Severne in the previous seasons.

“In this trip Adele’s goal was to learn the Forward loop; she was so focused that she tried 50 times a day. She also tried some crazy Back loops. I learned the Taka and started to land some Push loops on starboard-tack. We were very impressed by the spot of Praia do Maceiò, which is not crowded, just a few windsurfers and really nice conditions for jumping. We had a lot of fun in the water,” Andrea said.

Adele Frola & Andrea Franchini with nice windsurfing action from Brazil

Produced by AF production

