The most viewed moves 2012 – Place 11 to 20 THE MOST VIEWED SINGLE MOVES ON CONTINENTSEVEN IN 2012 – Place 11 to 20. Stay tuned for the top 10 places. This might also interest you medea2017-01-19T14:41:15+01:00January 12th, 2013| Subscribe Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 2 Comments Newest Oldest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments Kan 12 years ago Why do we like to watch the crashes over the perfect moves? gabriel 12 years ago Reply to Kan we don’t do, the first crash is on the 5th position 😉 okay maybe the secound video is also a bit a crash video but its the latest move and the last attempt is done.
Why do we like to watch the crashes over the perfect moves?
we don’t do, the first crash is on the 5th position 😉
okay maybe the secound video is also a bit a crash video but its the latest move and the last attempt is done.