Watch a freestyle clip featuring the Italian windsurfer Nicolò Tagliafico. Nicolò is only 14 years old, but windsurfs like some of his older freestyle colleagues. The whole clip was filmed at his home spot Sa Barra on the island of San Antioco – Southwest Sardinia during spring, when the island gets its colors. Sa Barra is a real wind machine and has a lot of windy days, which are suitable for freestyle windsurfing. A lot of young kids windsurf there and they are getting better and better. Nicolò is a great example! Keep on going that great Nicolò!!
“After almost two years and after winning the IFCA European pro kids under 15 in Premantura, I’ve edited a new video in order to show the place where we live and the moves I am able to do at the moment.” Nicolò Tagliafico
very very well done Nicolo!
Your improvement is impressive!
Go Nico Go, super style man!
Grande Nico !! gran bel video e manovre da paura !