@xavier dont you think that the kitesurfer from this city would rather c u riding there than checking on this platform?????
And youre not my friend anymore.
Btw i dont even know alexandre
heyy come on ,it s a joke and alex is my friend
but the spot is really small ans it can be overcrowded really quick
especially by kitesurfers who are really silly in this city…
i called all my friends. see you tomorrow guys!
@xavier dont you think that the kitesurfer from this city would rather c u riding there than checking on this platform?????
And youre not my friend anymore.
Btw i dont even know alexandre
I am sad. I am part of the mob…
its etang de thau close to sete. its the best place ever!!!!!!!
but pssst! its secret
What??? Cant believe your telling the secret to the mob
pleeaaase continent seven team/// moderation please…
alex tu fais la bite la……
I agree with xavier, there are more and more idiots on the water we have to make sure they stay on the shity spots!!
are you joking? you expect C7 to moderate a comment because someone is revealing a spot??
heyy come on ,it s a joke and alex is my friend
but the spot is really small ans it can be overcrowded really quick
especially by kitesurfers who are really silly in this city…
I was training skopus, burners and culos there 5 years ago cant believe the secret is revealed now
where is this place?