Alessio Stillrich loves to spend a part of his winter in South Africa. No wonder as the spots around Cape Town offer some of the best wave conditions during this period of the year. In his new video series MOMENTS OF MY LIFE the Gran Canaria local takes us to various windsurfing spots, like Haagkat, Scarborough, Witsands or Cape Point. In the video Alessio mentions his injury. For the ones who don’t know, at Cape Point Alessio smashed his tibia and fibula into pieces and injured a ligament during an Aerial in January 2018 (Link: Read more about his injury). Luckily he recovered and can land these massive jumps again.
Moments of my life is now live! Join me on my adventures through the globe and at home. Alessio Stillrich
Alessio Stillrich – MOMENTS OF MY LIFE | Episode 1 – South Africa
Filmed by: Geoff Hautman, Miguel Chapuis, Baptiste Cloarec, Albert Barroso and Alessio himself