Živa Trajbaric & Žan Ribnikar from Bushmans trip travelled in their van to the Greek island of Rhodos this summer. The freestyle conditions were excellent at the well known beach of Prasonisi, which is located at the south western end of the Greek island. Živa slides through smooth Grubbies or Spock and when the wind was off she practiced some yoga in the shade of a big plane tree. Check out her summer video with the title “Take it easy”. That’s a good life motto in difficult times.

Živa Trajbaric from Bushmans trips: “It was a pretty crazy trip through Balkans. In Serbia it was critical. Albania was full of people, Montenegro was a country of ghosts and Greece…was totally normal. We will never forget this year with Covid. It’s the new normal to wear masks, isn’t it? “

Slovenian freestyle windsurfer Živa Trajbaric shows great freestyle skills in Prasonisi, Rhodos Greece

