The second Winter Windsurf European Cup event took place last weekend in Vente in Lithuania in cooperation with Extreme-sports. There were races in both disciplines and the competition for the titles is on! WWEC 2009 winner Janis Preiss has not participated yet, but it is about time he gets involved not to loose his title! The conditions were harsh; wind came together with snow – a snowstorm for the first racing day and for the slalom discipline! The contest in slalom was pretty tight, especially for the 3rd place between Mikus Bevalds and Giedrius Liutkus. Mikus with some points missing stayed 4th, but with no doubt he is the leader in Youth group.
This time the winner was Latvian rider Aleksandrs Leontjevs, he was second in WWEC 2009 overall results both in slalom and course disciplines. The second best was Juozas Bernotas, Lithuanian Olympic hope in windsurfing RS:X class.
Result Slalom:
1. Aleksandrs Leontjevs
2. Juozas Bernotas
3. Giedrius Liutkus
It was impossible to run the “Course Racing” with the usual ski-boards due to deep snow. Competing was only possible on ski-sledges. Most of the riders were not prepared for such conditions and only 4 Lithuanian riders had appropriate equipment.
Result Course Racing:
1. Arvydas Moliušis
2. Juozas Bernotas
3. Robertas Berkelis
Evening gatherings have become a pleasant tradition of every WWEC event. Also this time most of the people – riders, friends, sponsor representatives came together at the end of the day for a chat and not only. Lithuanian windsurfing movies, very musical sauna party with the most popular Latvian and Lithuanian songs and some Rock`n`Roll supplemented with the Red Bull special winter drink! Everyone had great time there! Before the event it was said that Lithuanian windsurfers have fallen for the campsite Ventaine in summer… and last weekend we found out that the place is excellent also for the winter season!
More information and photos at