The ShadowBox/Windsport Magazine/ Ho’okipa Jump-off was won by Levi Siver with a massive Backloop with 52 feet and 7 inches = 16 meters!
The Moroccan Boujmaa Guilloul took not part in the offical competition but had the highest recorded air with 62 feet = 18,9 meters.
On the 31st of March some of the world best windsurfers gathered together for a jumping competition at Hookipa, Maui. Kauli Seadi, Kai Lenny, Levi Siver, Camille Juban, Kevin Pritchard, Kai Katchadourian, Whit Poor and Russ Faurot fixed the Shadow Box on their boards and went out on the water. You will see it in the movie, the day was just perfect for a jumping competition. High waves, strong wind and motivated riders.
Jake Miller from Snakebite Production put the whole footage together and made a nice movie with a lot of massive action.
1. Levi Siver 52,7 foot = 16 m
2. Camille Juban 43,2 foot = 13,2 m
3. Kauli Seadi 40,1 foot = 13,1 m
More info about the competition you can read here on Windsport.
That’s a lot of air!
He will not make it in pozo. Not his side/foot:(
das ist der blackshot vom boujmaa:
cooler wettbewerb, sollte auch in pozo gemacht werden, damit gezeigt wird, wer die wirkliche lufthoheit hat!
it’s a Black Shot.