Alex Mertens will probably never forget his first trip to Tarifa. The US freestyle windsurfer and film maker decided to travel to Tarifa because of a good forecast. He met with Italian freestyle windsurfer Riccardo Marca to windsurf, surf, skate, hike, take pictures and explore Tarifa and its surroundings.

Every day they were up to something different as nothing could affect them but then the coronavirus pandemic hit Europe. Alex and Riccardo were forced to stay under quarantine. They decided to stay in Tarifa but they didn’t expect what came next. Until now they have been in lockdown for almost 6 weeks. But they stayed busy, studied, did intense work outs, cooked or trained on their simulator rig in the garden of the house. And it looks like Alex will get on a plane by the end of the month and fly back to the US and Ricardo will start his journey back to Italy. 

“With every experience comes a story!” (Alex Mertens)


In his latest film, Alex describes how he got affected by the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences. Alex and Riccardo managed to stay positive and creative during this period and the outcome is this great film. 

“The trip that Went Sideways” starring Alex Mertens and Riccardo Marca – a windsurfing trip to Tarifa, Spain in the times of the Corona epidemic

Filmed by Alex Mertens & Riccardo Marca, Edited by Alex Mertens
