The second mission of the Red Bull Storm Chase is on and the location will be Tasmania. The island south of Australia is a very unique destination, with a lot of suitable spots to host the battle of man vs. man vs. nature along the wild coastline in the region of Marrawah on Tassie’s west coast. Due to the extensive westerly fetch the waves here get absolutely massive, breaking across a vast selection of reefs and beaches.
Which riders will take part in mission #2 at Tasmania
Thomas Traversa, Victor Fernandez, Marcilio Browne, Leon Jamaer, Julien Taboulet, Dany Bruch
Thomas Traversa, Victor Fernandez, Marcilio Browne, Julien Taboulet and Dany Bruch got qualified at the first mission in Ireland. Leon Jamaer got the spot of Robby Swift, who got injured in Gran Canaria. The first substitute would have been Boujmaa Guilloul, who unfortunately had to withdraw due to an injury from Tenerife and the second substitute Josh Angulo could not enter because of his obligations to start at the PWA Slalom World Cup in Turkey next week.
At the moment the competitors and crew is checking in all around the globe to travel to Tasmania. Victor Fernandez for example was in Pozo Izquierdo when he received the alert to go to Tasmania: “I had my ferry to go back home tomorrow morning & now the schedule changed completely. I will go Gran Canaria-Madrid-Dubai-Melbourne-Tasmania.”
©Text: Red Bull Storm Chase & Continentseven
and ricardo???
Campello also missed the first round in Ireland. I don’t think he was injured though. He must have skipped it for personal reasons. But yeah, Ricardo would have been one of the best in this kind of competition I would think.
Where is Koster?
Koster was injured at the time of the first round in Ireland. He therefore could not compete to advance to this round. It would be great to see him out there but it wouldn’t really be fair to the other riders who’ve earned their spot.