The Red Bull Storm Chase 2019 is a wrap. Finally after 5 years of watching pressure maps, ocean temps, predicted wind speeds and swell forecasts, this storm, which was called Gareth brought the right combination of wind and waves to match the Storm Chase requirements. After two days of competition Jaeger Stone from Australia, who never saw falling snow before live, was the rider who showed the best overall performance and won in front of Philip Köster and Leon Jamaer. Further competitors were Robby Swift, former Storm Chase winner Thomas Traversa, Daniel Bruch, Adam Lewis and Ricardo Campello.

Check out this final edit with extreme windsurfing action. The 9:24 minute long edit shows again the brutal conditions at Magheroarty (Ireland) on March, 10 – 12. The 8 world class wave riders showed what’s possible in such a big storm in real winter conditions. It’s so impressive to watch them landing moves in 45 to 73 knots of wind. Big respect to everyone, who made it out in that huge conditions and braved the extreme elements.

Red Bull Storm Chase 2019 – Extreme Windsurfing Highlights

