Unfortunately the first day of competition ended without any windsurfing action done. The wind never picked up to the necessary 7 knots miminum. 

Cloudy and less wind - Pic: Continentseven.com

The whole day the same picture: cloudy and light wind - Pic: Continentseven.com


The freestyle and wave sailors were already released earlier today. Their skippersmeeting will be at 9am tomorrow morning.

The slalom sailors were waiting the whole day for the wind to pick up. The starting time for the start got postponed and postponed until it was time to call it a day at 5 pm. Tomorrow the slalom sailors have their skippersmeeting at 10am with a first possible start at 10:30. 

Wave Single Elimination Men

Freestyle Single Elimination Men


But the day is not finished yet for all riders. Andre Paskwoski, Victor Fernandez, Gollito Estredo and Marcilio Browne have a big “date” this evening with all guests of the sold out world premiere of the “Four Dimensions” movie. We will be there! 


Björn Dunkerbeck giving autographs - Pic: Continentseven.com

Björn Dunkerbeck giving autographs - Pic: Continentseven.com

The Moussilmani brothers in waiting position - Pic: Continentseven.com

The Moussilmani brothers in waiting position - Pic: Continentseven.com

PWA headjudge Duncan Coombs filling the empty ladders - Pic: Continentseven

PWA headjudge Duncan Coombs filling the empty freestyle heatboard - Pic: Continentseven
