Action from day two of the second PWA freestyle event of the year in Costa Teguise, Lanzarote.
Yesterday the Single Elimination could be started and almost finished. Just half an hour of wind was missing to finish this first elimination.
Kiri Thode, Tonky Frans, Phil Soltysiak and Gollito Estredo are left in the mens divisision and Yoli de Brendt and Sarah Quita Offringa are left in the women´s division to compete for the top position.
Ranking Men until now:
1. Kiri Thode, Gollito Estredo, Tonky Frans, Phil Soltysiak
5. Steven van Brockhoven, Björn Saragoza, Yegor Popretinskiy, Joao Henrique
… full result here on the PWA site
Ranking Women until now:
1. Sarah Quita Offringa, Yoli de Brendt
3. Junko Nagoshi, Laure Treboux
… full result here on the PWA site