BLACKLAB presents their web film called “Out With The Old, In With The New”. It got filmed all over the Sinai in Egypt. Below the video, you´ll find a little interview with Josh Wilmot, who filmed and edited this clip.
Riders: Max Rowe, Adam Sims, along with Phil Richards & Dave Williams
Filming: Josh Willmot, Steve Thorne, Max Rowe and Adam Sims
Editing: Josh Willmot
Assistant Editing: Adam Sims
OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW from Josh Willmot on Vimeo.
Continentseven: Who is Blacklab?
Josh Wilmot: Blacklab is a collective of new school freestylers and film makers. Set up in 2010 as a ongoing project and a label for our films.
C7: What is the goal of Blacklab?
Josh: What I personally really want to achieve is that when some one watches one of our clips they get stoked and want to go sail. My filming is heavily influenced from other sports, I surf and ride MTB and I think there is a lot windsurfing can learn from the way these sports are presented, especially from the media around world tour events.
C7: On which spots did you film for “Out with the old, in with the new”?
Josh: We filmed all over the Sinai in Egypt. El Tur, Dahab and Moon beach, it was a bit of a road trip. We had about 50kg of jibs, tripods etc, as well as over 200kg in windsurfing kit so moving locations got interesting.
What else happened during the filming period?
Josh: Haha yeah! Adam cut his head open on the cable in El Tur… first run ever and almost stomped a raily but put the board into his head… We had to go get it stitched up. Drinking with the Russians in El Tur was pretty funny too…
Siiiick! 6:11 – spock into matador, amazing
Awesome guys! Keep the good vidz coming!
great guys!! stella 4 f4
Peugeot 504 rules !
Really awesome film! Some pretty sick moves there – I guess it is about time I perfected that Vulcan…