“Off Season” is a video series produced by Fanatic. This episode takes you to South Africa and features Arthur Arutkin, Adrien Bosson, Alice Arutkin and Alessio Stillrich at various spots like Witsands, Cape Point, Sunset Beach and Big Bay.
OFF SEASON – Cape Town
a video by Manuel Grafenauer
Amazing clip!
Good to see a team/promo video that is “not” filmed in Maui. Maui is great no doubt, but it does get kinda boring seeing the same videos and shots year after year : )
Great video, Alessio is killing it!
By the way, what about the Stubby revolution? Noses are back?
Hey Valerio. Thanks. In side-off conditions and very strong winds most riders still
seem to take these kind of boards you see in the video. I just came back from Maui
and I have to say, it does not look like the end of the Stubby revolution at all. Did
see a lot of prototypes from several brands. Think we will know more summer 2017
when the new ranges will be released.
Summer 2016, not 2017.
tx Manu 😉
Great video and radical action. These kind of videos and conditions really get me stoked.
Great promotion of windsurfing aswell.
Hang loose!