Nick van Ingen, freestyle windsurfer from the Netherlands, unfortunately injured his shoulder during a windsurfing session on April 19. He now needs to recover, perhaps needs a surgery and will not be able to compete at the first PWA Freestyle World Cup in Podersdorf, Austria. What a bad luck. He released a clip with some leftovers from the past weeks and months, mainly filmed at Brouwersdam.
Nick van Ingen: “Last week during my session I dislocated my shoulder, really simple just with a water start. There must have been a wind gust or something like that. While grabbing my board to get back on the good position it happened, I felt directly that my shoulder dislocated. At that moment I felt there is something wrong. Luckily with loads of adrenaline I managed to water start and sail back to the beach. I went straight to the hospital because it wouldn’t go back in normal position. Finally after some checks the doctors managed to get my shoulder back in position. They took some photos to check if everything was good. Next week I have to go back to the hospital for a second check. Then we will make a plan and see if I need a surgery. Let’s hope everything is still in the good position so I can get back on power! So far I not really know if there is something broken or ripped in pieces, upcoming Tuesday I have to pass by the hospital again. This is the worst start of the season ever and I will do my best to get back stronger! Enjoy my latest movie with some action before the session when it went wrong. My plans now are that I first wanna get back on strength more then 100%, When the shoulder dislocated once, it can happen really easily again. I hope to be back on the water soon, but it will take some time before I am the old one again. I really can’t wait to sail again, but I better take some more rest to recover 1000 % !”
Nick van Ingen in the Netherlands