It definitely surprised quite a lot of people, that Marcilio Browne´s name was not on the list of the Fanatic and North teamriders for 2012. The Brazilian left Fanatic and NorthSails and agreed with Goya sails and boards on a long-term commitment. “Francisco knows where I am coming from, he knows what I need plus he had his whole life the same job I have now, so I have a lot to learn from him, some times just by listening. What he says makes perfect sense to me and we both are focused on pushing the sport on the same direction,” Marcilio tells us about his new boss Francisco Goya. And it seems that this new relationship in the industry is built on mutual respect. Francisco Goya: “Braw is on a mission, pushing the progression of the sport on every angle. To have the opportunity to work with him is a dream. He has been breaking down the walls inside the sport for years now and he is just getting started. I believe he got the potential to represent windsurfing for decades to come.”


At the moment Marcilio Browne is in South Africa for some port tack sailing and setting up his new equipment. Read more about his sponsorchange and goals in the interview below.


C7: When Fanatic announced their new team and your name was missing, it definitely surprised quite a lot of people. Why did you decide to leave Fanatic? Craig Gertenbach, head of Fanatic, stated that it was your decision to leave, he actually wanted to extend your contract.  Did you maybe feel like to be the odd one out, besides your strong team colleague Victor Fernandez?
Marcilio Browne: No not all, me and Victor get along very well, and I always felt like we were all pushed equally. North and Fanatic were great for me, they gave me the opportunity to improve a lot as a sailor, I will always be thankful to them. I changed for Goya for because I always had a lot of respect for Francisco, Lalo, Keith , Jason  … and now by living in Maui I can work very closely with my gear on a daily basis. Francisco and I have a lot in common in our view of windsurfing as a sport, it feels good to be able to try new things and be fully supported. I am really excited and looking forward for the next few years.  


C7: It is not the first time you are changing your sponsors. You were on Naish, Gaastra, Mistral, Fanatic, North and now you change again. What do you expect this new equipment change will bring?
: This is for sure a bigger change for me, we agreed on a long term commitment, and I really took a lot of time to think about it and make sure I was doing the right thing. I did change a lot, but each of those changes had their right time and reasons, I never regretted any of it, they were all important and the best option at the time . I don´t really know what to expect, all I know is that I feel right at home with Goya, we get along really well, we see the sport the same way, that´s super important for me. They give me a lot of freedom to decide what I want to do and I have a lot to learn from them. I expect to have a great time in the future, those guys really back me up, so I will do my best to promote them in a positive way . 


C7: Goya is a Maui based company. What are the advantages for you to have the company on Maui?
Marcilio: I really enjoy Hawaii and I am happy living here, it´s been my dream for a long time and working with a Maui based brand just makes everything so much easier.  Everything just gets going a bit faster… If I want to try a new board, it will be ready really quick, I don´t have to ship it anywhere, it´s right there ready to go. If I have to work on the sails, i just meet up with Jason and we discuss whatever we have too. Everything its just very easy and smooth. I can go to the shop every day and discuss whatever, it is only five minutes away from my house, it´s amazing to have the company I work with, right there next to me .


C7: So, you will be involved in the development?
Marcilio: For sure, I will work with Francisco, Keith and Jason closely. We want to try new stuff, really see how far and good we can make the gear.


C7:  Did you have the possibility to test your new equipment, before you decided to change?
: No, because my new equipment is not done yet. I have tried a few of their products in the past, but I am looking forward to start working and developing with the team .


C7: I can remember you said once, that you decided for quadboards, not only because you like them, but also, because there was never enough time for you to test other boards and to find the perfect fin set up for it. Will you still ride on Quads?
Marcilio: Maybe, as for now quads are my favorite, and I just think they have a lot of advantages. I also believe a Thruster can work very well. I just don’t want to go crazy and rush into anything being obsessed with testing. For me it´s important to also get used to certain gear and remember to push on the tricks making myself a better sailor instead of always depending on the gear. I will test slowly and if there is something clearly a lot better than quads I will begin riding it more . 


C7:  Where will your focus be in the upcoming season? Do you plan to do the whole PWA tour or will you stay more on Maui and focus on other events?
Marcilio: Do the PWA for sure , I still want to do my best there no doubt. But I also want to just keep improving overall, I still want to try new things and keep things fresh, some times going over and over to the same places, trying same moves gets repetitive. So I will make sure to keep on traveling and trying new things . 


C7: What are your expectations for 2012? Did you already set your goals?
: Biggest goal is to have a lot of fun and learn new things. I just really want to enjoy the sport and not stress too much about the rest . 


C7: “Don´t stress about the rest” is a good slogan. Good luck!
