The two freestyle sailors Marco Lufen (19) and Julian Wiemar (16) from Germany spent two awesome summer months on the Canary Islands. They were most of the time on Fuerteventura, did a short trip to Lanzarote, slept on the beach, organized parties, went surfing, broke some boards, met new friends and were living the windsurfer’s dream. Marco had also his debut on the PWA freestyle tour and impressed everyone, especially his best friend Julian.
Marco Lufen and Julian Wiemar with freestyle windsurfing action from Fuerteventura in 2013
Interview with Marco Lufen and Julian Wiemar
C7: What did you learn in these 2 months on the Canaries and which sailsizes did you use most of the time?
Marco Lufen/Julian Wiemar: We improved the percentage of landed moves, we got safer. We landed more and more moves. I was on 4,2/4,5 Wizzard most of the time (Marco), I used 4,4m or 4,8m Freek (Julian).
C7: Did you sail every day?
Marco & Julian: We sailed almost every single day. We as well bought surf boards, a 6’8” and later a 6’2” and started to learn how to surf at El Burro and La Pared. That was awesome! It was so exciting. We learned the sport without taking any lessons and did our first take offs and turns.
C7: So, you didn’t miss Germany at all?
Julian Wiemar: No way! All in all I spent almost 8 weeks on Fuerteventura and in between a few days on Lanzarote. Every single day was just awesome! I was even a bit sad about going back home to Germany, because when I returned school directly started. What a hard change!!
C7: What was the best moment during your trip?
Julian Wiemar: Oh, that’s difficult to say. There were so many magic, funny and fantastic moments. But I especially remember this late evening session at Matas Blancas (a flat water spot located a bit north east of Costa Calma), where I almost landed my first Kabikuchi. Windy, flat and only me and a few friends on the water! A wonderful atmosphere! And when we came back to the beach because of darkness, everybody was full of joy and entirely happy. While packing the car we made some funny “model pics” and everyone was joking. Afterwards at home we even had a big party (laughs).
Marco: When I landed my first Pasko.
C7: Marco you took part in your first PWA Freestyle World Cup. How was it?
Marco: It was great and I am happy with my debut. I got immediately accepted by the freestylers. I won one heat against Choco Frans and I have learned a lot. Tonky, Kiri, Steven and Gollito are ahead of everybody. Dieter van der Eyken and Amado Vrieswijk are just behind, especially Amado is really good and a big talent. But keep an eye on Julian, he has the potential to get World Champion. He is doing his final exams in 2 years, he is always on the water and he is one of the craziest sailors I know.
C7: So, your goal is to do all the PWA freestyle events next year?
Marco: I have now one year off, where I want to focus on windsurfing. Next year I will start to study in Rotterdam (Logistic Management). Now, after two contests I have learned, that competition is one thing, but it is important to have an education, too.
C7: Julian, you did not take part, but watched all the action. Which rider has impressed you most?
Julian Wiemar: Yes, it definitely was quite impressive for me to see all these top guys in action. I was watching almost every single heat of the competition to see which moves are important and how to sail heats. For me the most impressive guys were Dieter van der Eyken and Marco (laughs). No, seriously! Marco had a perfect debut, all his heats were going well in these hard conditions out there at center 1 and he even passed one round. His caddy was really proud of him… (laughs). Dieter inspired me with his consistent sailing on both tacks… these massive Air Funnels on the way out!
C7: Contests in Germany, interesting for you?
Marco Lufen: Yes, the Freestyle Battle. These are great events, but we have to drive 800 km each time. So, Most of the time we preferer to drive to the Netherlands.
C7: Would you travel to Fuerte again next summer?
Julian Wiemar: For sure, Fuerteventura is a wonderful place, but that would be my 5th time there, and I also would like to see some new places. We already talked about a road trip, maybe to Greece. We will see.
Marco Lufen: I would do the trip again, but would maybe stay longer on Lanzarote. Las Cucharas is a great spot.
C7: Are you sometimes jealous on Marco that he has so much time to train, because he has already graduated from his A-Levels?
Julian Wiemar: Yeah, I am! Especially when he is sending me these WhatsApp images from Jericoacoara, while I’m sitting in school (laughs). No, I’m pleased for him. He studied a lot last winter/spring for his A-Levels, while I had perfect days on the water in the Netherlands. So he deserves it, but now I know how he felt like!
C7: Marco said you have the chance to become freestyle worldchampion one day. Do you agree?
Julian Wiemar: Maybe a bit exaggerated. World Champion is a dream, a top 16 result on the PWA World Tour a goal!
© 2013
Das Lufinator ist back. nice one, guys
this is awesome!
really groovy and nice moves
cool video, cool track!
Guuuys ! Nice action both of you !!