Julien Quentel (FRA 421) won the second elimination round to consolidate his claim for the IFCA European Championship title.

The conditions were good and the Frenchman also kept his good speed and performance on day 2 at Texel. He could win elimination number 2 in front of Dutchman Peter Volwater (H24), who felt comfortable in the rough conditions and became second. PierreMortefon from France came in third. Race Officer, Bruno de Wannemaeker was taking the chances and kept on going with another round. An average of twenty knots of wind from northeastern direction made a spectacular third round possible.

Dutchman Ben van der Steen (NED57) won the third elimination round beating the Frenchman Julien Quentel, who came in second place, followed by Israeli Arnon Dagan in third position. Ben Van der Steen was glad that the day was over: “Today we had almost two elimation rounds which was heavy going. I have had many years improving my stuff and I am used to the conditions of the North Sea. I have enough miles in the arms and legs, but for today, I’m all done!”

With this victory Ben van der Steen climbed in the provisional rankings to sixth place.  Julien Quentel title contender remains on top of the list with the lowest possible points followed by two French racers, Nicolas Warembourg ad young upcoming superstar Pierre Mortefon.

Overall Ranking after two days racing and three eliminations with one discard:

1. Julien Quentel (FRA 421)
2. Nicolas Warembourg (FRA 531)
3. Mortefon Pierre (FRA 14)
4. Peter Volwater (NED 24)
5. Wojtek Brozozowski (POL10)

Source: IFCA 2010, RRD 2010
