Gollito Estredo won the single elimination at the PWA Fuerteventura Worldcup but it was a close heat against Amado Vrieswijk and it actually could have gone either way. Gollito won the final with 13.5 points difference but Amado was missing one move on his score sheet, as his Bongka was outside the heat area and did not score any points. This one move could have made the difference for Amado. Gollito had a solid heat, not as perfect as the one in the semi finals. Gollito showed some newer move combos, like a Shove it Forward or Chebongka. He did a huge Back loop and risked an Air Chacho. Some of his landings were slightly wet but he scored high points for his jumping, probably because the jumps were pretty high.


Gollito Estredo – Winner Final Single Elimination Fuerteventura World Cup

Gollito Estredo – Winner Final Single Elimination Fuerteventura World Cup
