Gollito Estredo in 90% Freestyle Windsurf Gollito Estredo obviously has done his homework and is prepared for the upcoming competition season. Watch his latest clip packed with awesome windsurfing action. Gollito Estredo in 90% Freestyle Windsurf This might also interest you medea2017-01-19T13:58:10+01:00March 16th, 2015| Subscribe Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 8 Comments Newest Oldest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments Kevin Pritchard 9 years ago Hows that move at 1:45… so sick! Dieter Peschel 9 years ago Yes, he can improve his skills every season 100 %, that’s unbelivable. He is the most amazing (freestyle) surfer ever !!! blink 9 years ago Full power Estredo!! 2:29 – New Move??? Alistair Bentley 9 years ago Reply to blink I think that is just a cheese roll.. a really stylish one! Such a sick video, his style is looking a bit like Kiri when he adds rotations at the end of moves. Dimitri 9 years ago God that guy is amazing!!! Best freestyler ever! Looking forward to the new season splash 9 years ago I am not into freestyle but watching this man is like watching an alien from outer space compared to the rest talented freestylers. Load More Comments
Hows that move at 1:45… so sick!
Yes, he can improve his skills every season 100 %, that’s unbelivable. He is the most amazing (freestyle) surfer ever !!!
Full power Estredo!! 2:29 – New Move???
I think that is just a cheese roll.. a really stylish one!
Such a sick video, his style is looking a bit like Kiri when he adds rotations at the end of moves.
God that guy is amazing!!! Best freestyler ever! Looking forward to the new season
I am not into freestyle but watching this man is like watching an alien from outer space compared to the rest talented freestylers.