Sotavento prepares for the upcoming PWA Grand Slam 2012
Since the Sotavento Worldcup got confirmed this spring, the team of René Egli is working non stop to prepare the event perfectly. The tents are set up already, but not without any problems. As the beach lost some meters and the Atlantic Ocean is digging further towards the land the big tents had to be placed a bit different. There are two tents. The main tent is bit shorter, but there is an additional tent for the gear, which is turned by 90° to the big one. Additionally the organistaion had put massive rocks at the beachfront of the tent to guarantee the stability.
What else is going on at the World Cup spot right now?
Several top sailors are already there to prepare for the this year´s event: Steven van Broeckhoven & Svetlana Martynova, Youp Schmit, Dieter van der Eyken, Phil Soltysiak accompanied by his brother Tom, Yoli & Tom Brendt, Christopher Kalk and Tony Möttus from Estonia, Mathias Genkel and Adi Beholz, both from Germany as well. Adi, probably one of the best German freestylers at the moment, sails on Fanatic now! Some Slalom racers are around as well: Maciek Rutkowski from Poland, who performed great at the last event making his first final, is on fire blasting downwind full power on his 5,6 Loft. “Just close your eyes and go for it!” That´s his quote. Marco Lang from Austria is a s well on fire. He already broke a boom, a part of his board and his harness hook in a massive catapult. Dennis Müller and Fabi Schenk are there as well fighting the big chop. The wind had in gusts 40 knots and more.
The top freestylers perform really safe in these heavy conditions. The strong offshore wind gets stronger, when you once pass the waterline covered by a cliff. On the inside Steven van Broeckhoven not only goes for pefect sliding moves, he also rotates through Double Forwards or Pushloops with his 90 liter freestyler. Dieter van der Eyken lands perfect Skopus and massive Backloops on 4,0 or 3,7. We saw some ankle dry Toads from Phil Soltysiak and Adrian Beholz nails big Shakas. And Yoli de Brendt has done her homework while the wintermonths. She lands big Shove Its, goes for high Shakas and slides really quick through clewfirst Punetas.
Watch a little clip of Mathias Genkel, who had fun in a little lagoon near Risco del Paso. This spot is well known from Andre Paskowski´s Four Dimensions film. Gollito had a crazy freestyle session at his spot back in 2009.
© Continentseven 2012
Haha Chris always in the right time and place! Cheers for the mention brah!