Salvador Martínez (aka Boro Mar) was off the water now for two years, due to knee injuries. He is now back on the water and made his first video. “It´s really nice to come back to the water,” writes a happy Boro.
Boro Mar at Risco del Paso, Fuerteventura
Great video&music. I also just returned to freestyle after injury and i know it feels great!! Keep on rockin!!!
What is the name of the song?
Boro ets s’idolo , crack
is the best freestyler in mallorca
Boro Style!
Glad to see another fuertestyle from him.
………Como montar en bicicleta macho!!!No has olvidado en este tiempo de lesión.Gran nivel!!!Enhorabuena por la recuperación de la rodilla espero haya quedado perfecta.Manolo Barrios.
Great style!
Is it a new AHD freestyleboard you are riding? Looks nice!