After the skippersmeeting at the hotel Oasis Papagayo the organizer and riders decided to meet at Majanicho at the North Shore. The spot Majanicho ist located in the middle of the NorthShore and works best in the morning with eastwind. Yesterday the wind was was not blowing from the perfect direction. Although most of the competitors went on the water, the wind was too gusty to start the competition. The forecast for the next days is promising and local Stephane Etienne said: “It looks like we will have the first heats at Majanicho during the next days, what is pretty good. The spots delivers constant breaking waves and is not too difficult.”


Again a competitor got injured yesterday. After Shannon Bohny broke his femur, the Dutch wavesailling lady Amanda Beenen has troubles with her left ankle. The ankle is pretty swollen and stiff. It is already an old injury, which got now acute again.
On the 18th the riders will have an early skippersmeeting at 8:30 in the hotel to not miss the wind and waves at Majanicho, as it works best in the morning.


Pictures from the first day
More pictures you find on our Facebook account: Fuerte Wave Classic

Nice Aerial by Dario Ojeda

Iballa Moreno

