This is the second episode of the Explore n´ Play series produced by the Moussilmani Twins Sylvain and Benoit on Maui. In collaboration with Octopus Production and Salade & Loukoum Production they both show, how they spent time and work on Maui. In this part the French top racer, they both live in South of France, show how they work to improve their Tabou Slalom boards. And it looks like they are doing an excellent job changing rockers and outlines.

Straight after the prototypes got modified they test the gear at the water in front of the Kanaha Beach Park. After a hard day of work and some final resume at the beach, they drive to Kihei and enjoy the Hippie beach party. Watch and enjoy!

Making off pictures on


Extreme Racing-Hawaii-Episode2_2V2 von Lesmouss
