Dieter van der Eyken became PWA freestyle world champion in 2015 and is still hungry to improve his freestyle skills, what needs a lot of training as he is already on a really high level. Dieter lives in Belgium, close to the Dutch border and drives north to the Netherlands as soon as it is windy. This time it was in May 2016 and he drove together with his dad Dirk to the Grevelingendam.
Dieter van der Eyken: “After I came back from Podersdorf beginning of May the forecast looked good for one of my local spots Grevelingendam. At the evening of the day my dad took the camera and filmed a few of my moves, rather than keeping them on a hard drive like I did too much in the past I thought I would throw it into a little edit! Hope you like it, nothing special but just pretty raw footage! Thanks to my dad for filming especially as the temperature dropped almost 10°C compared to the midday!”
At the moment Dieter van der Eyken is at Pozo Izquierdo to get ready for the Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival. Last year he needed to go through the trials, this year he got a space within the top 28 riders. The competition starts on July 3rd. Good luck Dieter!!
Dieter van der Eyken at Grevelingendam, Netherlands in May 2016