Austria and many other countries on our planet have cold long winters and it’s easier to have real fun in the snow than on any lakes, rivers or at the seaside with low water and air temperatures around 0° – 5°. Especially the last winter was an intense one.

Alex Seyss (AUT-61) now released a clip he exactly shows the strong contrast between winter and spring/summer. He had great powder ski sessions during the winter months and later enjoyed sailing at his home spot under the bridge in Vienna. While watching the clip you can fell the strong contrast from all in white to green blue colors.

Alex Seyss: “Some time past by since winter left Austria. At a point I felt maybe it´s to late to post a windsurf video which features skiing. But during cutting the video I remembered wherever we were we always watched ski videos when it´s sunny and warm outside and the other way round. And in the southern hemisphere it´s winter! So actually it doesn´t matter.

The winter part was filmed during the last winter in Austria. The windsurf action was filmed on 2 days under the bridge – 1 day by Mo (thanks a lot!) and the other day I finally brought the GoPro with me!” (Alex Seyss)


Windsurfing and skiing – Alex Seyss shows the contrast in Austria

