Unfortunately there are no wind and no waves on the last day of the PWA Cabo Verde Worldcup. Head judge, Duncan Coombs has already decided to call the competition off, leaving the world rankings unchanged after Klitmoller, with Victor Fernandez winning the 2010 PWA wave title. Victor led the 2010 Wave Tour rankings the whole season, winning the PWA Pozo Grand Prix in July, for the 4th time and also finishing 2nd at the KIA World Cup in Denmark after a spectacular showdown.

Victor Fernandez (E-42): “Winning a Wave World Title has always been a dream for me, it means a lot of work for many years, training, travelling and experience in windsurfing. Now this dream came true and I´m really, really happy. I want to thank Fanatic for all the support and trust they gave me during the last years since I joined the team in 2002. It feels really good being part of the Fanatic team, especially working close with my team mate Klaas Voget and also the rest of the team. I was hoping to perform as well in the last contest in Cape Verde, but unfortunately you can´t change the nature.”

Craig Gertenbach, Fanatic Brand Manager: “Victor, the most deserved World Champion of all, well done, we are super proud to have been a part of it! All your hard work, dedication and fair play has paid off, this is the first, but not the last, I´m sure of that!”

PWA Wave Overall Ranking 2010 Men

1. Victor Fernandez

2. Ricardo Campello

3. Philip Köster

… full ranking

© Text: PWA, Fanatic
