Antoine Albert is 16 years-old and lives in Noumea on the Pacific island of New Caledonia, where he started with freestyle windsurf windsurfing when he was 12 years old. He loves to sail freestyle and already has a great repertoire!
“I’m sailing freestyle since I was 12, I use to ride in Noumea (côte blanche), sometimes on the perfect waves of the outside reef (Tenia). I’d like to compete at some EFPT events but I live so far away from Europe! I did the Bonifacio Freestyle Project this year it was so great to ride with prowindsurfers!”
In New Caledonia the light winds dominate. Most of the sessions are in 12 to 17 knots. Just on some days the wind can pick up to 20 or 25 knots. And most of us can remember Colin Sifferlen, who had won the King of the Lake at Lake Garda in really light wind conditions in 2002. Colin is from this area as well. So, perhaps we will see Antoine Albert on the PWA tour very soon following Colin.
Have a nice read dude. Pretty much satisfied to watched this wonderful video. Thanks mate. 🙂
flare 88 for ever 😉
I enjoyed reading your nice blog about your nice experience for the sail freestyle. I’m quite amazed learning that he was in progress windsurfing when he was 12 years old. It’s outstanding to learn his extraordinary performance. Thanks for sharing exceptional experience 🙂
id like him to do me
great moves 😉 antoine, are you using flare 88 or 98?