Yentel Caers, the 2019 PWA freestyle world champion and EFPT winner, spent 4 weeks in Andalusia, Spain. The conditions were excellent and family Caers was behind the cam at several spots around Tarifa (Playa Choca, Bolonia) and in Almeria. Yentel not only landed radical freestyle moves but also shows great skills in waves. Looks like we will see Yentel competing in waves soon?
Yentel Caers in Andalusia – a perfect Spanish road trip of the freestyle world champion from Belgium
Respect to Yentel but after watching Brawzihno’s latest Jaws aerial there is nothing more that can impress me in windsurfing (except a perfect stalled atmospheric triple loop maybe…)
Agreed. After mankind has achieved this, we should stop windsurfing and move on!
We could start looking for a planet with perfect conditions for a 4x loop and triple air culo.
SO STRONG!! amazing stuff!!! Yentel world champ 2020 !!