Julien Mas & Sam Esteve are the famous French synchro freestyle duo. They started to practice and film synchronized windsurfing moves around 3 years ago in Crete, Greece.  

Now they released a new Windsurf Show filmed at Dakhla, Western Sahara by Frederic Goget. They both land their moves, from the Jibe to the Body Drag, from the Spock to the Kabikuchi, completely synchron. Just insane!!! And in the mix with the famous classic waltz “Waltz of the flowers” by the Russian composer Pjotr Iljitsch Tchaikovsky they dance over the flat water!! We are sure Mr. Tchaikovsky would have loved this special show. Well done Julien & Sam!!

Julien Mas and Sam Esteve land their freestyle moves completely synchronously in Dakhla, Western Sahara – Video

Produced by Julien Mas / Filmed by Frederic Goget

Syncho freestyle show Dahkla Vol. 1  by Julien Mas & Sam Esteve

Julien Mas and Sam Esteve synchronized in Dahkla in 2018.

Julien Mas and Sam Esteve in the synchro mode

Syncho freestyle show GREECE by Julien Mas & Sam Esteve

Julien Mas and Sam Esteve worked hard to create a short video with synchro freestyle windsurfing moves and tow in action. Watch their video from Crete, Greece.
