Boujmaa Guilloul talks about wave riding and hands movement. Moving your hands while riding a wave is so important. The Moroccan, who is a very experienced wave windsurfer, has a few great tips how and when to move the hands.
It’s a quick video on hands movements when wave riding. There is a lot to be said there, but just breaking down quick rides from Ho’okipa with side off shore wind that allow me to generate a lot of speed therefore the ability to move my hands a lot freely on the boom. When the wind is strong, it’s a bit harder to move the hands on the boom, when the wind is side onshore, you might move it for the bottom turn but a lot less when top turning, and so on, there are a lot of variables when it comes to riding a wave, as mentioned before, so many elements would affect our style of riding, and the hands movement is one major element.Boujmaa Guilloul