I guess, this is one of the nicest trailers I have ever seen. Watch the wakeboarder and four-time X Games gold medalist Danny Harf from California in his latest videoproject DEFY. Stylish.
More about that clip: www.defythemovie.com
Defy trailer 2. The Danny Harf project from Sean Kilgus on Vimeo.
2dex is really easy to learn and is heaps of fun. If you have ridden skateboards, scooters or rollerblades, surfboards, snowboards or wakeboards you should try 2dex. You’ll pick it up in no time!It only looks hard because not many people have seen them yet and it’s NEW. That’s probably the best reason to try! It’s something new and It will definately turn heads and impress people.You might dress in all the right gear, step out in the coolest kicks and walk around with a well-worn skateboard permanently tucked underneath your arm. But until you experience 2dex, the newest craze… Read more »