The 2010 PWA Wave World Champion Victor Fernandez (E-42) spent the last two months on Maui, Hawaii and Bea Sánchez got some nice clips. Victor raised his level and the 9 minutes long video shows nice aggressive waveriding with a big variation of Aerials and Air Takas and excellent tweaked Pushloops, perfect Backloops and extremely hard tweaked onehanded Tabletops.



“It has been 2 months with really good conditions and most of the days I´ve windsurfed probably in the most famous windsurf spot of the world “Hookipa”, among others as Lanes, Kanaha or Kuau. There are some images where I´m sailing on white NorthSails. These are protos that I´ve been testing during the trip to get used to the next year´s sails.”


Victor tweaks a tabletop (Pic: Bea Sánchez).

Victor, the PWA Wave Worldchampion 2010 and 4th of 2011, has new plans already:
“After 2 months sailing non stop at Maui I am now looking forward to come back. The next trip is one to Chile, a cold water place with empty spots!”


Check out Victor´s new website here!
