Balz Müller and his brothers had a good time in South of France while their Christmas holidays. The Mistral wind machine was on and they could practice their freestyle and even wavetricks.
These Swiss boys risk a lot and are not scared to crash hard, what happened many times. Balz, the oldest one of the gang, landed tricks on the highest level. Big parts of the clip have a hazy look, but still it´s worth to watch this wild Swiss style clip.
Meine höchste Hochachtung! Solche Action sieht man nicht alle Tage und wenn ich denke, dass du nebenbei voll arbeitest und kein Schöggelileben führst mit Trips in die ganze Welt… RESPEKT!
What the hell ist das bei 12:00 und 12:05? Air Pushtack?
Radikal & innovativ, SUISTYLE eben! Zehn Sterne von mir!
es grüsst,
Papa Dom
merzi merzi. ja du sagst es 😉 happy to be on water! xD
-bei 12:00, oooou das war irgend soo eine chifteli900 kreation =) wird sicher noch was. gruss balz und fam.
Maybe a new move! On 7:03 almost a shaka into backloop, nice!
the night session was really sick at all 😀
Looks like good fun 😉
How where the temperatures? I was there over easter one time and the water was pretty cold…
we got nice atlantic weather (mistral), so the temperature wasn’t that cold as usual, more or less 10° C. And the water was “warm” 15° C xD
It was pretty amazing!