Watch Timo Mullen in his latest video “Desert Rat” windsurfing in Western Australia’s waves. He definitely enjoyed it in port tack conditions and landed Aerials, Goiters or Forwards off the lip.
“I have not been back to Western Australia for 10 years, my last trip was pretty epic so I knew it would take a lot to top that trip. It has been a pretty rubbish start to the windsurf season in the UK and Ireland so I started to look further afield for wind and waves. I saw that Western Australia was looking pretty good for swell but wind at this time of the year is always a big gamble. Not putting too much faith in my Antipodian meteorological skills I consulted the guys at Severne HQ in Perth who gave me the thumbs up to book my flight. Thirty seven hours later I find myself in the middle of the Western Australian desert armed with my ice box, a crate of beer, snaggers (sausages), my Starboard Quads and my Severne Blades. For the next 8 days I sailed and surfed every single day in pretty much perfection, I probably banked 6 hours in the water every day more than enough to get rid of the jet lag! I met loads of new and old friends, that is the great thing about travelling alone you meet people you wouldn’t normally meet if you travel with a group. One thing I really did forget was how much the Aussies  love beer, they drink it like water!!!” Timo Mullen about his recent trip
Timo Mullen in Desert Rat in Western Australia
Edit: Tam Mullen
Filmed by: Erik Ture Viktor Tesch from ETVT Media, Fredrik Plantin from Monster Gaylord productions
Yeah I agree not many people doing this move, looks kinda cool!
Hey, will somebedy recognize that this guy is steadily pulling off forward off the lip?He already was in his previous clip but NOBODY posted anything…