Starboard has released its 2014 Flagship video with great footage from Maui and Australia. You can expect 12:30 minutes of great action without any interviews or board explanations. The wave sailing parts from Maui and Western Australia show great action and wants us to leave our computer immediately.  

Sailors in the 2014 Starboard video: Philip Köster, Scott McKercher, Kevin Pritchard, Iballa Moreno, Boujmaa Guilloul, Anne-Marie Reichmann, Connor Baxter, Tiffany Ward, Taty Frans, Sarah-Quita Offringa, Björn Saragoza, Kiri Thode, Björn Dunkerbeck, Chris Murray and many more.




If you are interested in any specific 2014 product, just have a look on their new website, where they give an overview on ther different boards.






