“Secrets of the Wind” is a short film series documenting the travels of 2011 World Champion and three-time European Champion Steven van Broeckhoven. 

Andraz Zan: “10500km in 28days through 7 countries to follow the wind. It takes a lot of dedication, you are connecting with nature and windsurfing with friends on their home spots. That’s windsurfing. You never know what is waiting for you and that is secrets of the wind all about. Following the wind around the world and living the lifestyle which is just different.”

The second episode starts at Lake Ammersee in Germany, where Steven had a session with the local Andy Lachauer. Then they continue their journey trough Italy, Spain and Portugal.


Freestyle windsurfing world champion Steven van Broeckhoven in Secrets of the Wind 2 – a trip through 7 countries in Europe

Local riders:
Ammersee, Germany: Andy Lachauer
Lake Garda, Italy: Michael Rosmeier
Sardinia, Italy: Gabriele Varrux Varrucciu, Jacopo Testa

