“Where the sails meet” is a new Italian video project produced in Sant’ Antioco, Sardinia. The main film will be released in the middle of June 2016. It’s about windsurfing on flat water and in waves in the area of Sant’ Antioco in southwestern Sardinia. The film will not only show windsurfing, it will show the life and spirit in Sardinia and explain, what Sa Barra, the famous freestyle spot, means to the locals. Gigi Madeddu, Giovanni Passani, Rossel Bertoldo, Gianluca Tamantini and Nicolo Tagliafico will be the main windsurfers in the video. The film started with an university project and is now supported by Progressive Media Studio of Lorenzo Squarcia. The producer worked with a 4K camera and additionally used 2 slow motion cameras. Let’s see how the film will look like, when it’s ready. At the momend it sound pretty promising.

Giovanni Passani: “Sant’ Antioco is different from the North of Sardinia. In the south you can live the real lifestyle. Here are less people living. Everyone is important and I love to live there.”


Where the sails meet – Teaser

