Balz Müller makes his own therapy to heal broken bones. After he broke his fibula in autumn 2015, he seems to be fit again;-). Watch the latest Balz short from Cape Town showing some rad action filmed by Yentel Caers.
Balz Müller in “Rehapbanger” with wave freestyle action from Cape Town
Thanks for pushing the boundaries of this sport for the rest of us – I am sure your fellow colleagues are inspired by your antics and something good will come of it – I keep my fingers crossed that you stay healthy, my friend
Only people with guts, big balls and a fair amount of craziness can make the world to move on !!!! Balz – the pioneer of future wave sailing ?!!!
Yes!!! Keep sending it full throttle! Awesome clip dude!!!
EPICSHITASTIC ! Do it again and again Balz !
super radical! it hurts from watching…