We are very sad about the news, that André Paskowski has passed away on August 2. We first met Andre at El Yaque in March 2004, where he was one of the protagonist of our DVD production “7 Sons of Freestyle” together with Gollito Estredo, Remko de Weerd, Ricardo Campello, Normen Guenzlein, Antxon Otaegui and Cheo Diaz . He was sitting in the jacuzzi of the Ipanema bar (which was the bar of Ricardo Campello’s mother) and told us about his plan to compete on the PWA world tour in 2005. During the filming process of the DVD, he told us that he wants to start with own movies, too and his first big movie project was Wet and Salty one year later. From these days on, filming became a big part in his life and together with his team he created amazing movies.
Andre was always a part of the Continentseven world as professional sailor, film maker and business man. He was very passionate about everything he did and was driven by the idea to do everything perfectly and at the same time.
The last time we met Andre was in Pozo (Gran Canaria) on the 11th of July during the PWA World Cup and we did a long interview with him about his upcoming movie “Below the surface”. The plan was to publish the interview this week. Although Andre’s physical condition in Pozo was really bad and he had a hard time breathing, the interview was not a farewell. It shows a man, who still has plans and a will to fight. One of the most impressive sentences out of this interview was: “My mind is occupied with something beautiful.”
During the PWA Freestyle event on Fuerteventura all riders wrote their wishes on one of his “Below the surface” poster, which he has given us in Pozo. We wanted to show him our support and give him the feeling, that he is still part of the freestyle community and highly missed at the beach. The poster was on the way to Hamburg with Adi Beholz, but we are afraid he did not have the chance to see it.
The windsurfing family lost a great athlete and a very talented film maker, who just got 31 years-old. Our deepest sympathies from the entire staff at Continentseven goes to his family and girlfriend!!!
We really hope that Carolina and the Below the surface team are able to finish the project and present it at the Windsurfing Movie Festival on Sylt, which got started by Andre last year. To finish the movie was a very big wish of Andre.
Andre’s last words
- MOVIE MAGIC MOMENTS about Andre Paskowski
We did so many interviews with André. This was unfortunately our last one.
UNREAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for everything and for the best windsurf movies of all time.
Keep the scene alive ! will see you in heaven.
Hi Jason, actually Fanatic posted a tribute to Andre on our website on Saturday. As well as on Facebook. It’s hardly a PR opportunity and certainly not a race to see who is first with this news, obviously we were a little closer to Andre than most people…so we needed an hour or two to first gather our emotions and thoughts and then react on a brand level. Thanks everyone for your comments, we´ll certainly miss Andre and are proud to have had the opportunity to have shared a short part of his journey, as can be seen by the… Read more »
Andre we will miss you. But you will always live on in our memories.
Thank you for everything that you have contributed for our sport…
Thank you Andrè for the inspiration you give us.
R.I.P. Brotha! You were and always will be very inspirational. The odds were not in your favor during this final battle, but you sure as hell give it all you got! May your strength, endurance, perseverance, and positive attitude for ever be an example for all of us to never give up and always pursue our dreams.
danke andre!